
Little Reminders

Good morning! It's a beautiful but chilly morning here in Florida. This year we have had the warmest winter I can even remember, with about five straight weeks with highs in the upper 70's, low 80's. So bizarre. I know one day I will be sorry I complained, but I have my cute winter clothes sitting in the closet that miss being worn, and the weeks are slipping away before we have permanent hotness. Florida, be merciful! Bring back the cold more often!

Anyways, I have just been really encouraged the past couple of days. My wonderful roomie and friend (and also bridesmaid!) had several of us over yesterday to her family's house and a community dinner to celebrate the life of her younger brother, who passed away a year ago today. I can't even imagine how this feels, and it makes me cry when I think about how I would deal with losing my own little brother. There is way too much to say about that. But I left the dinner service encouraged by the life he and his friend lived before God took them home. Their living testimonies to Christ, as well as their great senses of humor and personalities, very clearly live on and push people to know God more and have fun while serving Him wholeheartedly.

I am so glad that we can both mourn and celebrate at the same time. It is not an immediate place at which to arrive, but when it happens, it is beautiful. We all need reminders every day of who we really are and what we were meant to be. Which is why I think of ways to infiltrate my daily life with little reminders like these.

I encourage you to use somewhere like the lock screen on your phone or iPod as an advertisement space for truth. You look at it SEVERAL times a day. Even if you don't read the words every single time, you know what it says when you see it, and those very words will jump out at you and make you stop in your tracks when you need to remember them. Fill your everyday life with truth, even in the littlest ways.

This is my lock screen for my iPod touch. It gets the important message across, that we only find salvation in God's grace. Our good works aren't good enough to save us, but our bad works aren't enough to erase God's bountiful, endless forgiveness and redemption. There is nothing we can do to earn it on our own or destroy it on our own. All it takes is the personal choice by faith to say, "Yes, Lord, You love me and created me for relationship with You and others. I am not meant to do life alone, and I can't be made new by my own efforts. I want to know You and spend eternity with You, because You are perfectly good and full of light, and provide wisdom and love through Your Spirit to push me on through my life on earth. I want to arrive home at the end of it before Your throne to spend forever loving the only, amazing God."

Serious Sunday is now over, haha. Not really! We can be serious but happy at the same time. Have a wonderful day, I pray the best for you!

- Lara


Favorite Ladies

Good evening, folks! Tonight is another night spent doing wedding work for me, which is really not so bad at all. I am loving having my creative touch in different things, from what I mail out to what will be sitting on the tables and chairs and hanging on the walls. No one will have exactly what I do! It's the best having an original!

This is something that I don't mind sharing, though, because it's only meant for a select few to see. In weddings, most brides choose to ask some close friends and family to stand beside them at the altar as bridesmaids. It's so hard to pick sometimes (at least it was for me!) I have no sisters or girl cousins to ask, and it was ALL based on friends. And I have so many who are pretty much equally close! But I made that difficult decision and cut down to 4 of my best friends. And then came the fun part!

Bridesmaid cards!!!!

What girliness you can't use on your wedding invitations -- my husband-to-be is decidedly not pink -- you get to unleash for one glorious moment on your ladies. And I jumped into that big puddle of pink and rolled around in it. But anyways. :) That first side of the card is a freebie, and the second can be changed up to fit the occasion! Pretty nice, if I do say so myself.

Now, I should get back to the hard part. But it's looking pretty spiffy so far. Have a sweet weekend!