
The Start of Something New

I hope the title of this post doesn't get High School Musical stuck in your head! That only occurred to me after the thought. Well, either way, I think it best communicates what's going on with this site.

I am not new to writing or sharing on the internet -- I have a couple of projects (mostly for my own enjoyment) going on already, although admittedly I haven't been so active in updating anyone on my life via these outlets lately. My philosophical/spiritual/Jesus-related musings are found at In Due Time, My Child and some fun adventures in cooking, traveling, and other ideas in collaboration with one of my dearest friends is going on at Jabuka, Jagoda, Breskva. (That means "apple, strawberry, peach" in Bosanski, in case you were wondering. The title makes sense if you read!)

But this site is brand spankin' new not only to my family of unread blogs, as well as to me in general. I confess that I am a little nuts about design now. Mostly in a spectatorial fashion rather than as an artist. It drives me nuts seeing really outdated, ugly logos or signs that use Papyrus, or... Comic Sans. Ugh, I just shuddered writing that. I am kind of snobby about it sometimes. But on the bright side, I really admire other people's beautiful designs for everything else. A perfect typeface, a good color scheme, an amazingly drawn and colored graphic, can each draw you in and give some personality!

Upon experimenting with some programs available to me, I happened to discover that I really like playing around with design myself! I am definitely in the practice stages, learning a lot about what I can do and how to make it happen. I don't think I have the chops to build my own business or a school portfolio or anything, but I'm liking doing this in my spare time, and so this is where I'm going to poop out my ideas so they are all in one place. I hope that every time things will look better and better! :)

So, if you like what you see, thanks for noticing! If by some weird miracle anyone would ever like me to adapt something I am playing around with to be used in real life, I'd be happy to oblige, just shoot me an email at lara.l.dickerson@gmail.com.

If you are one of the three people that will probably ever read this blog, thank you for your eyes and have a blessed day!

- Lara

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