
Favorite Ladies

Good evening, folks! Tonight is another night spent doing wedding work for me, which is really not so bad at all. I am loving having my creative touch in different things, from what I mail out to what will be sitting on the tables and chairs and hanging on the walls. No one will have exactly what I do! It's the best having an original!

This is something that I don't mind sharing, though, because it's only meant for a select few to see. In weddings, most brides choose to ask some close friends and family to stand beside them at the altar as bridesmaids. It's so hard to pick sometimes (at least it was for me!) I have no sisters or girl cousins to ask, and it was ALL based on friends. And I have so many who are pretty much equally close! But I made that difficult decision and cut down to 4 of my best friends. And then came the fun part!

Bridesmaid cards!!!!

What girliness you can't use on your wedding invitations -- my husband-to-be is decidedly not pink -- you get to unleash for one glorious moment on your ladies. And I jumped into that big puddle of pink and rolled around in it. But anyways. :) That first side of the card is a freebie, and the second can be changed up to fit the occasion! Pretty nice, if I do say so myself.

Now, I should get back to the hard part. But it's looking pretty spiffy so far. Have a sweet weekend!

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